Deadlines & Costs

2019 Notes

SRC (Paperwork Due) 1/18/2019 Bring paperwork to UMD Food Court 1/16 at 5PM, if you cannot come deliver to Scott or Dr. Welsh. Due to Cindy Welsh 2 copies (see info below on where and when you could meed Scott to drop them off))
Paper Registration 1/18/2019 Both high school and middle school due. Cynthia Welsh will need two copies of each students paper (if you email the paper I do not need paper copies) plus a pdf or word file sent to her email or Bring to UMD Kirby Food Court at 5:00PM.
Online Registration 1/12/2019
Science Fair Date 2/9/2019 You can bring forms to Scott at work (next to UMD) during the day, but call him first

Special Awards and judging contact Scott Welsh
Paperwork and sponsorship contact Cynthia Welsh

Costs for Science Fair
Middle School Student $25
High School Student $35
Papers $10

You are now required to fill out a media release (even if you do not want your picture to be release to the media).

Other SRC Questions for this Science Fair:

1) When do you need it? 

Friday, January 18 Scott is usually by the mall and UMD on Fridays, so make sure you call him to tell him when you are dropping everything off. You can drop off earlier in the week, but he is at UMD on some days and the Mall area on others, so you should call or text his cell 218-591-6499


2: How many copies?



3) Can we bring to Scott again? (really convenient!)

Scott will be at Superior View Appartments (Junction/College Road) by UMD some days of the week, it changes which days so call before you plan to drop the paper work off--Scott's Cell 218-591-6499.

4) Or mail to

NE MN Regional Science Fair

4134 Jeffrey Road

Duluth, MN  55810


5) Cost


Middle School student $25

High School student $35

Paper $10


Notes for the 2019 Fair.

A 200-word abstract in electronic format . ( National symposium section for instructions on electronic submission of the abstract)

The format for the 200-word abstract includes: 1 inch margins, keyed in 10 or 12 point font (Times or Times New Roman). Abstracts must be adequate in length but not exceed these specifications. The header preceding the abstract text includes:

Abstracts are published as submitted in the National JSHS publication, "Abstracts of the Research Finalists," and distributed to all symposium attendees. A good abstract is written to summarize the research paper. The abstract should accurately convey the essential nature of the research conducted and the most significant conclusions reached. A further purpose of the abstract is to attract the interest and curiosity of the non-specialist reader and thus encourage exchange, discussion, and elaboration between various authors and between authors and readers.

All National JSHS student presenters are required to prepare and submit a research paper and the following supplementary forms prior to April 3.

1. Statement on Outside Assistance

2. An electronic version of the research paper

The research paper is used as a supporting document to the abstract during the judging process. The judges read both the abstract and paper.